Display Advertising Costs
Local Rate:
1/8 Page (9 col. inches–2 col. x 4.5in.)
1/2 Page (35 col. inches–5 col. x 7in.)
1/4 Page (21 col. inches–3 col. x 7in.)
Full Page (70 col. inches–5 col. x 14in.)
$10.50/column inch
$12.50/column inch
National Rate:
$12.50/column inch
Per Insert
Frequent Inserts
Color: $90.00 Per Page
Regular Typeset
$7.50/Column Inch
Page Size
The Journal Era’s are 14 inches deep and 10 inches wide. It is divided into 5 columns, 11.5 picas each, with a pica gutter between columns. Widths of ad columns are: One Column: 2 inches; Two Columns: 4 inches; Three Columns: 6 inches; Four Columns: 8 inches; Five Columns: 10 inches.
Subscription Rates
$30.00/6 month subscription
Directory Advertising
Professional Services
Business Directory
Larger Size (Back Page)
Larger Size (Inside Paper)
Signature Sponsors
Classified Adveritising
Each Insertion
Minimum Charge
Boxed in
$8.50/Column Inch
All classified ads must be prepaid unless the advertiser has an established account with us.
Special Promotion
We can assist advertisers with special promotional campaigns upon request.
These will be handled on an individual basis with regard to design,
duration and overall promotional considerations.
Political Ads
All political advertisements must be paid in advance of publication.
The deadline for all advertising is Noon the Monday before that week’s publication.
If a pre-production proof is required, the deadline is Noon the Friday before publication.